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Astrology: A Blend of Science and Compassion

Historical Roots:

Astrology & Astronomy: Derived from Greek words “Astron” (star) and “logos” (knowledge) and “nómos” (law) respectively.

Spiritual System Impact: Astrology faced repression due to the dominance of Christianity, limiting its acceptance as a science.

Astrology and Celestial Influence:

Celestial Bodies and Water Tides: Influence of celestial bodies on Earth, akin to the moon’s impact on tides due to gravitational forces.

Cosmic Rays: Celestial bodies emit cosmic rays, having significant wavelength, which can affect human bodies made predominantly of water.

Astrology as a Symbolic Language: Utilizes celestial positions to interpret life events, acting as a profound symbolic language.

Astrology: A Blend of Multiple Disciplines:

Role of Mathematics and Physics: Utilizes mathematical calculations to create horoscopes, involving trigonometric calculations for house divisions.

Statistical Basis: Grounded in ancient statistical observations, astrologers use records and their experience to predict outcomes by correlating planetary positions and aspects.

The Misleading Role in Astrology

Role of an Astrologer:

An Astrologer’s role goes beyond mathematical knowledge; it involves understanding the individual’s unique circumstances and challenges.
Astrologers connect with clients on a personal level, sensing their atmosphere, challenges, and potentials.

Individuality in Horoscopes:

Horoscopes shouldn’t be interpreted generically; each person is unique, and their horoscope is specific to their life circumstances.
Astrologers analyze current settings, challenges, and potentials of the person in front of them.

Compassion and Knowledge:

A modern approach to astrology should blend compassion with a strong foundation in knowledge and structure.
Balancing empathy and accuracy ensures clients receive meaningful and correct information.

Astrology’s Limitations:

Astrology, while insightful, is not fool-proof. Relying solely on astrological predictions neglects the individual’s own power and choices.
Belief in oneself and personal actions play a significant role in shaping one’s destiny.

Self-Belief and Faith:

It’s essential to believe in oneself and understand that personal actions and decisions shape destiny.
While faith in a higher power is important, it’s equally vital to trust in one’s abilities and make decisions independently.

Challenges and Misconceptions:

Role of an Astrologer: Beyond mathematics, astrologers must establish a connection with clients, understanding their challenges and potentials.

Compassion and Structure: Compassion in astrology shouldn’t lack structure and knowledge, offering accurate guidance to clients.

Personal Responsibility: While astrology provides insights, individuals are masters of their own fate, and their actions shape their destinies.


Self-empowerment: Encourages self-belief and reliance, emphasizing the importance of individual actions in shaping destiny.

Decision-Making: Encourages individuals to trust themselves, fostering faith in one’s abilities alongside a belief in a higher power.

Freedom of Belief: Individuals have the choice to believe in astrology or not, acknowledging the significance of personal faith and rationality in decision-making.

In summary, astrology stands as a blend of science, intuition, and symbolism, offering insights to those who seek its guidance while respecting individual beliefs and choices.

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