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Navratri 2023: Horoscope Predictions & Impacts on Each Zodiac

Navratri 2019: Horoscope Predictions & Impacts on Each Zodiac :Sharad Navratri, a sacred festival celebrated for 9 nights and 10 days in autumn, is a highly propitious time to worship and pray for the benevolence of the goddess.

Aries Horoscope for Navratri

Aries natives will have a successful professional life but should be careful about their health and confidential information.

Taurus Horoscope for Navratri

Taurus people will enjoy the fruits of their hard work during Navratri. They should study, perform puja and stay with family.

Gemini Horoscope for Navratri

Focus on spiritual practice and relationships, avoid gossip.

Cancer Horoscope for Navratri

This Navratri will be a good time for Cancer born people, they will discover new opportunities and succeed in their business.

Leo Horoscope for Navratri

Navratri predictions advise Leos to focus on family and health, while praying to Goddess Pitambara and Kalratri for success and pleasure.

Virgo Horoscope for Navratri

Virgos are advised to control their anger and ego, and to listen to others to resolve family tension.

Libra Horoscope for Navratri

Libras will be more solitary and focused on accomplishments, leading to success in the near future.

Scorpio Horoscope for Navratri

Scorpios should be mindful of their words and drive carefully, and can rely on loved ones for support.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Navratri

Sagittarius natives will focus on their careers during Navratri and experience positive outcomes.

Capricorn Horoscope for Navratri

Capricorns can expect a period of rapid change, social support, and success during Navratri, but should focus on health and diet.

Aquarius Horoscope for Navratri

Aquarians will experience sudden changes in their lives, which may be both positive and negative. However, their wishes will be fulfilled during Navratri.

Pisces Horoscope for Navratri

Pisces will experience happiness, success, and good news during Navratri.

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